
Future events:

Acupressure for Pain Relief

Do you suffer from chronic headaches, neck tension, or shoulder and back pain? Are you tired of resorting to over-the-counter medication? 

Join us for this free class on March 22nd, 2025 at 3pm with Un Jeung Jones, LAc where you’ll learn how to use acupressure techniques to alleviate pain and discomfort in your body. Whether you’re dealing with tension, headaches, or chronic discomfort, this class will guide you through effective acupressure points to help ease pain and promote relaxation. No experience needed—just bring a desire to feel better!

Email us at to RSVP. Virtual and in person options available.

Email us with any requests:

An undiagnosed thyroid issue may be the root cause of your weight gain, fatigue, joint pain, or even infertility. Join Dr. Russell on January 25th, 2025 at 10:30am for this free thyroid workshop to learn:

-what your doctor gets wrong about thyroid testing
-the 3 main causes of thyroid issues (they’re not what you think!)
-our favorite herb for thyroid health (and 3 you should avoid)
-our top nutritional tips to keep your thyroid in great shape

Email us at to RSVP. Limited spots are available. 

How to Use Nature’s Pharmacy From Your Own Backyard- July 17th 5:30pm-6:30pm. Learn how to fill your medicine cabinet with local herbs – turn those pesky weeds into potent medicine! Join botanical medicine expert Dr. Kassimir and learn how to identify local herbs, to explore when to use them and for what, and to try samples. Handouts will be provided.

Show Your Heart Some Love: Free Heart Health WorkshopIn honor of Heart Health Month, Dr. Russell of Frederick Natural Health Center is offering a FREE workshop on February 22nd, 2020 from 11:30am-1:00pm to answer all your heart health related questions.She will cover:* The surprising truth about cholesterol and dietary fat* What people get wrong about “heart healthy” diets* Our top 3 heart healthy foods (and 3 to absolutely avoid!)* Easy nutritional tips to promote a strong, healthy heart for life* Simple lifestyle tweaks that your heart will love.

Jump Start Your Health In The New Decade! Open House. Join us on January 18th, 2020 from 11am-1pm for some New Year inspiration! Stop by any time with your kids and enjoy some of the activities we have planned:
-Win some great raffle prizes!
-Dr. Russell shares the pros and cons of common diets
-Free PEMF demonstrations to help with muscle pain and energy
-Enjoy healthy refreshments and a relaxing environment
-Take advantage of 20% off supplements and herbs
-Meet our practitioners and community partners

Is It My Thyroid? Free Thyroid Workshop. An undiagnosed thyroid issue may be the root cause of your weight gain, fatigue, joint pain, or even infertility. Join Dr. Russell on November 9th at 10:30am for this free thyroid workshop to learn:
-what your doctor gets wrong about thyroid testing
-the 3 main causes of thyroid issues (they’re not what you think!)
-our favorite herb for thyroid health (and 3 you should avoid)
-our top nutritional tips to keep your thyroid in great shape

Acupressure for Pain Relief and Self-Healing. Do you suffer from chronic headaches, neck tension, or shoulder and back pain? Are you tired of resorting to over-the-counter medication? In this class, you will gain an understanding of what acupressure is and how to use it for self-healing and to relieve common musculoskeletal pain. Join Jenna Rucker, LAc, at the Common Market on October 16th from 6pm-7:30pm.

Detoxing 101: Free Detox Workshop. Dr. Cristine Ehly is offering a FREE workshop on April 27th from 11:00am-12:30pm to answer all your detox-related questions.She will cover:
* What most people get wrong about “detoxing”
* Our top 3 detox foods (and 3 to absolutely avoid)
* How to know if a detox is right for you
* Simple lifestyle tweaks to maintain your post-detox glow!

Reclaim Your Sleep: The Top 7 Tips For A Better Night’s Sleep. Do you find yourself dragging through the work day and ready to go to bed by 7pm? Do you have a hard time focusing on tasks and getting things done? Join Dr. Ehly on April 13th from 3pm-4pm at Cafe 11:11 for this FREE workshop to learn the top 7 tips to ensure a better night’s sleep and increase your energy and productivity. As an added bonus, you’ll learn how to make your own Herbal Sleep Mask and get a free eBook on sleep.

Instant Pain Relief: Free Acupressure Workshop: Do you suffer from chronic headaches, neck or shoulder tension? Does your chronic pain leave you feeling worn out and hopeless? Join Jenna Rucker, licensed acupuncturist, on April 6th from 3:30pm-5pm to learn her top acupressure points for relieving headaches and neck, shoulder, and upper back pain.

You’ll learn:
-The top 5 acupressure points for headaches (get relief in minutes!)
-The 7 best points to relieve upper body pain, fast
-How to effectively apply pressure to acupressure points (not all pressure is equal)
-Jenna’s favorite essentials oils for headache and pain relief
-Clues to be on the lookout for to prevent pain from coming back

As an added bonus, class attendees will receive a free “chi reading”, which can help you customize your acupressure points.

Demote Doubt and Overcome Anxiety: How To Reclaim Control, Confidence, and Peace of Mind. Does anxiety zap your energy and interrupt your joy? Do constant worry and doubt hold you back from accomplishing your goals, or negatively affect your relationships? Join us on March 16th, 2019 at 10:30am for our special guest speaker Lynn Dutrow, aka Auntie Anxiety, who is a self-described anxiety ally and courage coach. Lynn will reveal the surprising ways anxiety can show up in your life, and provide simple tools to “talking back” to your anxiety and taking control of your life. You’ll learn:
-Understand Anxiety’s Wily Ways
-Find you inner CEO and send Anxiety it’s pink slip
-Learn the two words (and a bonus word) that will help you win at Anxiety’s favorite “What if?” game
-How to stop “shoulding” on yourself and start taking action

Show Your Heart Some Love: Free Heart Health WorkshopIn honor of Heart Health Month, Dr. Russell of Frederick Natural Health Center is offering a FREE workshop on February 23rd, 2019 from 11:30am-1:00pm to answer all your heart health related questions.She will cover:* The surprising truth about cholesterol and dietary fat* What people get wrong about “heart healthy” diets* Our top 3 heart healthy foods (and 3 to absolutely avoid!)* Easy nutritional tips to promote a strong, healthy heart for life* Simple lifestyle tweaks that your heart will love. Also, take advantage of 20% off heart health supplements. Children are welcome to attend!
Natural Immune Boosters for Cold & Flu: Hands-on Elderberry Syrup Making Join Dr. Ehly on February 2nd, 2019 from 1:00pm-3:00pm at the Common Market as she discusses the immune system and how to boost it to prevent and treat infections. Solutions will include dietary and lifestyle habits, as well as medicinal herbs and nutritional supplements. Includes hands-on elderberry syrup making.
Holiday Open House & Workshops! Join us on December 8th from 11am-2pm for some holiday cheer! Stop by any time with your kids and enjoy some of the activities we have planned:
-Make your own natural holiday gifts! Cross a few people off your holiday shopping list or keep them for yourself. (small materials fee)
-Learn from our doctors about natural ways to boost your immune system and stay healthy this winter
-Enjoy healthy refreshments and a relaxing environment
-Take advantage of 20% off immune-boosting supplements and herbs
-Meet our practitioners

Natural Immune Boosters for Cold & Flu. Don’t let a cold or the flu confine you to the couch this season. Learn how to take natural steps at home to stay strong and vibrant, and increase your resistance to illness. During this FREE 1-hour class on November, 8th 2018 at 6pm at 11:11 Cafe, Dr. Ehly will teach you how to use diet, herbs, and supplements to boost your immune system for optimal health. Donations will be accepted for the Mental Health Association of Frederick County.

Do I Need To Detox? Everything we breathe, eat, drink, shower with, apply, clean with, and cook with affects our health. Obviously, if we need to make general nutrition and lifestyle changes, that’s important to address. But what about the toxins in our food, our home, our beauty products? Join Dr. Ehly and Margie on September 22nd from 2:00pm-3:30pm for this in-person class as discuss natural ways to gently support the detox process and live a more toxin-free life. Registration includes class, handouts, and some natural detox tools to take home and try.

In The Streets. Find our booth on the Lifestyle Block (between Third and Fourth Street).  In The Street invites attendees to explore historic downtown Frederick, while offering a sampling of the diverse food, entertainment, art and non-profit resources that thrive in Frederick County. We’ll be offering fun activities and prizes! Join us on September 8th from 11am-5pm, rain or shine.

Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep: How To Create And Maintain Healthy Skin. In this 2-hour class, Dr. Ehly and Isabelle will explain how to create and maintain healthy skin from the inside out. You will learn how digestion, hormones, and inflammation affect the integrity of skin, as well as techniques for optimizing circulation and stimulating collagen production. This class will focus on nutrition, lifestyle, acupuncture, and essential oils. Skin conditions such as dryness, wrinkles, acne, eczema, and rosacea will be discussed. Part of your registration includes the making of a customized organic essential oil serum suited to your skin care needs. Join us on July 12th, 2018 from 6:00pm-8:00pm.

Frederick Pride 2018. Stop by our table and say hi on June 23rd, 2018 from 11am-6pm. For more information about this great event, check out The Frederick Center.

How to Use Nature’s Pharmacy From Your Own Backyard: Learn how to fill your medicine cabinet with local herbs – turn those pesky weeds into potent medicine! Join botanical medicine expert Dr. Ehly and learn how to identify local herbs, to explore when to use them and for what, and to try samples. Handouts will be provided.  Join us May 24th from 6:00pm-7:00pm.

Join Dr. Ehly on April 7th, 2018 from 11:30am-12:30pm to learn about natural treatments for anxiety. This is part of the Frederick County Public Library’s Complementary and Alternative Health Expo.

Natural Ways To Boost Your Immune System. Cold season is officially here and flu season is on it’s way. Since the flu shot is never 100% effective, Dr. Ehly will teach you about natural ways to boost your immune system this season.  Join us on November 16th, 2017 from 6:30pm-8:00pm.

Grand Opening. We are having our Grand Opening on Thursday, October 12th, 2017 from 3pm – 8pm. RSVP here for a chance to win prizes:

  • 60 minute massage ($90 value)
  • 60 minute Reiki session ($80 value)
  • 60 minute craniosacral session from ($120 value)
  • FNHC Giftbasket full of natural health goodies ($60 value)
  • An Initial Evaluation Session from Psychotherapist Marianne Riley ($100 value)
  • 60 minute Relaxation Hypnosis ($150 value) from Key Point Hypnosis
  • Gift certificate from Healing Touch Chiropractic for free consultation, evaluation, report of findings, and first treatment ($110 value)
  • Portable cell phone charger from Frederick County Bank and your own FCB coffee mug
  • A pound of delicious coffee from Dublin Roasters

Hypnosis and Health: The Missing Key To Reclaiming Your Health? Learn how hypnotherapy can help you to become free from unwanted habits & behaviors, take charge of your physical & mental health, increase motivation & confidence, as well as find relief from chronic stress. Enjoy your life, because hypnosis isn’t about losing control ~ it’s about getting it back! Join us as we learn from Cathie Cain, a certified Master Hypnotist and Clinical Hypnotherapist on September 28th, 2017 from 6:30pm-8pm.

In The Streets. Find our booth on the Lifestyle Block (between Third and Fourth Street).  In The Street invites attendees to explore historic downtown Frederick, while offering a sampling of the diverse food, entertainment, art and non-profit resources that thrive in Frederick County. We’ll be offering fun activities and prizes! Join us on September 9th, 2017 from 11am-5pm.

Happy Hour Hangout! Since it’s summer, we wanted to do something social and fun! If you haven’t been, The Wine Kitchen has an amazing happy hour and great atmosphere, right on the creek. Join us and get to know other awesome women that are passionate about natural health and healing for our Women’s Natural Health Connection Meet-up on July 29th, 2017 from 3pm-5pm.

My So-Called Teenage Diet (Grades 6-12). Diet, schmiet. Learn how to eat well (without feeling like a freak) to look and feel your best with Dr. Ashley Russell and the Common Market at the Thurmont Regional Library on July 29th from 2pm-3pm.

Reading Food Labels. Dr. Russell demystifies sneaky food labels for long-term healthy eating. Free event presented by the Common Market at the Emmitsburg Branch Library on July 18th from 6:30pm-7:45pm.

Transitioning Gracefully, How To Survive Menopause Naturally. All women experience it, but no one wants to talk about it. From hot flashes and insomnia to weight gain and low sex drive, menopause can be an unwelcome change. Join us as we talk about what to expect during this transition and natural ways to support your body through this change. This class will cover natural treatments for hot flashes and night sweats, insomnia, weight gain, low libido, headaches, memory, mood, bone and cardiovascular health. Handouts will be provided. Join us for our Women’s Natural Health Connection Meet-up on June 24th, 2017 from 1pm-3pm.

Childbirth, Naturally: Women having been giving birth for millennia, but C-sections have increased dramatically in the last few decades and now account for one-third of all births. How many of these C-sections are actually necessary? Is natural childbirth even possible anymore? In this class, Dr. Russell will educate you on all your natural childbirth options and resources, the benefits and risks, VBACs, and how to support your child if a C-section is performed. If you’re currently pregnant or looking to become pregnant in the next year or two, this class is a must to learn how to bring your healthy baby into this world, the way you want. Handouts will be provided. Join Dr. Russell on May 13th, 2017 from 1pm-3pm at the Common Market Coop.

The Illuminate Frederick Spring 2017 Mind-Body-Spirit Festival will be held Sunday, April 23rd from 11am-6pm at the Clarion Inn Frederick Event Center at FSK Mall, 5400 Holiday Drive, Frederick, MD 21703. Enjoy a wonder-filled day of natural health featuring angel communicators, acupuncture, massage, Reiki, reflexology, crystals, vetted intuitive readers and psychic mediums, handmade crafts and gift items, luxurious spa products, FREE WORKSHOPS, and more! Come find us and say hi!

Reclaim Your Cycle: Tips To Balance Your Hormones Naturally. Periods are a great barometer for our lives. If any aspect of our health is out of whack, our cycles will usually start to show signs. Whether that looks like an extra heavy or light period, missing a period, a painful period, or horrible PMS, when your period is causing some disruption, it’s your body’s way to tell you something is going on. In this class, Dr. Russell will discuss how our periods should work, ways in which they don’t work, and tips for how to balance your hormones. Handouts are included. This class is offered at the Common Market Coop on February 25th, 2017 from 1pm-3pm.

The Gift of Health: Ways To Keep Stress At Bay During the Holidays. The holiday season is upon us. A time filled with joy, gratitude, and let’s face it, stress. With all the events, family, and gifts to manage, it can easily become overwhelming and cause serious backsliding to any health progress you made during the year. Join Dr. Russell as she takes you through some practical tips and tricks to help sustain your health (and happiness) through this holiday season. If you want to have a more enjoyable and peaceful holiday and to start 2017 off right, then this is the class for you. Handouts will be included. This class is offered at The Common Market Coop on December 3rd, 2016 from 1pm-3pm.

Join us as we have a special guest, Jennifer Butt, an intuitive Reiki Master and an artist, talk about “The Art of Painting” for our monthly free Meetup group, Women’s Natural Health Connection. She offers these studios that on abstract painting and differ from a traditional ‘ paint nite’ as the focus is on the act of painting rather than the end result. She looks at painting as a way to connect to Universe and source and to discover and reconnect with my highest self. All of her work strives to help bring healing and happiness into people’s lives in a fun and creative way. The studio lets each participant release their inner child and connect with their highest self. Join us on November 10th, 2016 from 6pm-7:30pm at Serenity Natural Health Center.

Transitioning Gracefully, How To Survive Menopause Naturally. All women experience it, but no one wants to talk about it. From hot flashes and insomnia to weight gain and low sex drive, menopause can be an unwelcome change. Join Dr. Russell as she talks about what to expect during this transition and natural ways to support your body through this change. This class will cover natural treatments for hot flashes and night sweats, insomnia, weight gain, low libido, headaches, memory, mood, bone and cardiovascular health. This class is offered at The Common Market Coop on November 5th, 2016 from 1pm-3pm.

How to Use Nature’s Pharmacy From Your Own Backyard: Part 2.  Back by popular demand, learn how to fill your medicine cabinet with local herbs! Turn those pesky weeds into potent medicine. Join Dr. Russell, an expert in botanical medicine, to learn about how to identify local herbs and what conditions to use them for. Plants from part 1 will be briefly reviewed and more plants will be added for part 2. You do not have to have taken part 1 to register for part 2. Handouts will be provided. Join us September 20th, 2016 from 6:00pm-7:30p at the Common Market.

Join us September 22nd, 2016 from 6:00pm-7:30pm at Vini Culture in Downtown Frederick for our monthly free Meetup group, Women’s Natural Health Connection.  In case you haven’t heard, wine (in moderation) can be good for you.  Join us for some drinks, good convo, and connecting with a lovely group of like-minded women. Vini Culture has a great happy hour from 4p-7p and a yummy menu!  Looking forward to connecting with some old and new friends.

Let’s Get Healthy: Nutrition For Teens. Join Dr. Russell on July 29th from 4:00pm-4:45pm at the C. Burr Artz Public Library for a lively discussion about nutrition for teens. This program is geared for teens entering 6th grade through 12th.

Join us June 23rd, 2016 from 6:00pm-7:30pm at Serenity Natural Health Center for our monthly free Meetup group, Women’s Natural Health Connection. The Not So Sweet Truth About Sugar: Join us to learn the truth about sugar. Where it hides, the harm it can do, and natural tools to help you remove it from you life.

Join us May 26th, 2016 from 6:00pm-7:30pm at Serenity Natural Health Center for our monthly free Meetup group, Women’s Natural Health Connection. Plastics. Pesticides. Cosmetics. Perfumes. Cleaning products. Did you know that indoor air pollution is five times worse than outdoor air pollution?  Chemicals are hidden in everything and taking their toll on you and your family’s health. During this month’s Meetup, we’ll talk about where these chemicals are hiding, the health effects they can have and most importantly, steps you can take to live a more toxin-free life.

How to Use Nature’s Pharmacy From Your Own Backyard: Learn how to fill your medicine cabinet with local herbs – turn those pesky weeds into potent medicine! Join botanical medicine expert Dr. Russell and learn how to identify local herbs, to explore when to use them and for what, and to try samples. Handouts will be provided.  Join us May 24th from 6:00pm-7:00p at the Common Market.

The Top 10 Homeopathic Remedies for First Aid and How to Use Them: Homeopathy can be a powerful tool for sustained health, especially as changing seasons, lingering cold, and new allergens are upon us. Even celebrities from David Beckham to Gandhi have credited their health with trusting in the power of homeopathic measures. Dr. Russell will explain how to use homeopathy effectively, and discuss the top remedies you should have at home for first aid situations.  This class will include practice cases for you to hone your skills.  Join us April 23rd, 2016 from 1:3op-3:00p at the Common Market.

Join us March 24th, 2016 from 6:00pm-7:30pm at Serenity Natural Health Center for our monthly Serenity Natural Health Connection. Dr. Russell will be talking about ALLERGIES and tips to keep the sneezes at bay this Spring.  We’ll also be sampling some of Dr. Russell’s favorite allergy tea.  This is a chance for you to meet like-minded people and it’s free! So bring a friend and spend Thursday night with us. Join us February 18th from 6:00pm-7:30pm at Serenity Natural Health Center for our monthly Serenity Natural Health Connection. Dr. Russell will be talking about STRESS and providing you with a free stress management technique for you to implement in your own life, just in time to start your new year with less stress. This is also a chance for you to meet like-minded people and it’s free! So bring a friend and spend Thursday night with us.

“Sustainable Nutrition: 7 Tips on Healthy Eating for a Healthy Life.” If you’re sick of trendy diets, join us as Dr. Russell talks about ditching the diet altogether. She’ll also give you 7 key tips to help you individualize your approach to lifelong healthy eating so that you’ll live a healthier and happier life. This free webinar was offered via on December 2nd at 2p EST.

“The Top 10 Homeopathic Remedies and How to Take Them.” What do David Beckham, Prince Charles, Gandhi, Paul McCartney, Cher, and Kim Cattrall all have in common? They all credit their good health to homeopathy! So if you’ve dabbled with homeopathy and want to learn more or are just getting started, this is the class for you. Dr. Russell will explain what homeopathy is, how to use homeopathy effectively, and highlight the top 10 remedies you should have at home for your family.  This class was offered at the Common Market on October 17th from 1:30p-3p.

“Food As Medicine: How Eating Can Move You Towards Health…Or Disease”  This lecture at the Frederick Public Library Community Room on July 31st, 2015 from 1p-2p will highlight general tips for sustainable nutrition habits and briefly discuss what the is difference between the three macronutrient food groups.

Want to know what natural substitutes to grab when you need some first-aid care? Dr. Russell  presented at the Common Market Co-Op on June 17th, 2015.  This will offered as an online class soon.

Overwhelmed by all the debates on vaccines? Dr. Russell presented at the Common Market Co-Op on May 20th, 2015.  This class provided parents with a balanced view on vaccines so they leave feeling confident in their ability to make an educated decision about what vaccinations they want (or don’t want) to immunize their child with.

Need a little inner peace? Dr. Russell discussed stress as part of the UNESCO Body & Mind Wellness Club on March 21st, 2015 in Downtown Frederick, Maryland.