
What is the One Organ You Should Love?

The body is an amazingly complex system, governed by a network of chemical highways.  The best part about this system is that we don’t ever have to consciously think or be aware of it in order to live.  For example, doing a “detox” or “cleanse” has become quite popular but many of us do not realize that our
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Endometriosis: More Than Your Average Monthly Nuisance

I recently saw an article on my Facebook feed from a popular online publication about a company offering women time off during their periods. I thought how wonderfully progressive an idea this is, to let women, if they need to, take time off for what can sometimes be a horrible time of the month. It’s hard
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A New Chapter

Last month we held an open house to celebrate Serenity’s one year anniversary (which was technically September) and honor naturopathic medicine week.  There was great food, great people, and great live music (check out the videos on our YouTube channel). This event gave me a much-needed opportunity to reflect on this past year, so pardon the brief
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Flower Power Salad

Since moving to Frederick in August, I’ve been having such a great time identifying and using native herbs.  But many of these plants are probably ignored by most people, thought to be weeds. This hobby of mine is formally known as wildcrafting. Wildcrafting is the harvesting of plants or herbs from the “wild” but sometimes these plants are right
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Are You Ignoring This Key Relationship?

If you’re anything like a normal American, your schedule is probably busting at the seams due to all the things you’re trying to balance. If you’re not working (or worried about work), then you’re probably busy taking care of your family (my family is currently of the canine variety but she still need to be taken
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Are You Changing With The Seasons?

Have you noticed now that Winter seems long behind us, people aren’t in such dreadful moods? When I first moved to Frederick, I was amazed at how friendly people were and it seemed completely natural for a total stranger to smile and engage in conversation.  This is a far cry from growing up in Southern
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Kick Your Cold (or Flu) to the Curb!

This cold and flu season has been a particularly nasty one.  Symptoms seem to linger for weeks and with the low efficacy of the flu vaccine this year, there’s not much the conventional world of medicine has to offer.  Luckily, us naturopathic doctors have a few tricks up our sleeves to prevent the cold or
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Still Using Plastic Water Bottles?

In case you haven’t heard, plastic water bottles contain harmful chemicals, such as endocrine-disrupters, that can cause adverse health affects, including cancer.  For more information on some of these chemicals, check out the NRDC’s nifty handout. For a less toxic alternative, Klean Kanteen offers great stainless steel water bottles in all shapes and sizes to
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