
Natural Tips for PMS and Period Cramps

It’s a Wednesday morning during a normal work or school week. You roll out of bed more tired than normal, put the coffee pot on, and start getting ready. As you get dressed, you notice you have a slight headache, your pants feel tighter than yesterday, and your breasts are a little tender as you
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Are hysterectomies the only option for fibroids?

Bleeding heavily is a common concern for women of pre- and peri-menopause age. While there can be different reasons for heavy bleeding, a frequent cause are fibroids. Fibroids (leiomyoma) are benign tumors that grow in the smooth muscle of the uterus. It’s believed that by age 50, 70% of women have fibroids, though most will
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Natural Tools To Tame Anxiety

Second to fatigue, the most common concern that my patients have is anxiety. While it may seem like everyone has anxiety (and I would argue to some extent that is true and normal), about 1 in 5 Americans meet the criteria to be considered diagnosable with an anxiety disorder.  While anxiety can present in different forms (generalized
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Spring Is Around The Corner: Natural Tips For Seasonal Allergies

While it’s not official yet, it feels like Spring is already upon us.  I’m thrilled that I’ll soon be able to open my windows, pack up my winter coat, and spend more time outside.   Spring is a time of renewal and starting fresh.  Just as the plants begin to poke up out of the ground and
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The ONE Simple Health Habit You Need For 2022

I’ve seen a lot of complex cases over the years. While it can be perplexing figuring out where to start, I am still astounded how sometimes the simple solutions can have a dramatic impact on health. One of these powerful and simple solutions is hydration. We all know that our bodies are part water. The
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Natural Tips for Seasonal Affective Disorder

Does the weather affect your mood this time of year? Dr. Russell shares some key tips for seasonal affective disorder to help make it through Fall and Winter.

How Do I Know If I’m In Perimenopause?

Perimenopause is a clinical diagnosis meaning it’s diagnosed based on symptoms. But did you know there are over 30 symptoms of perimenopause?!

Herbs For Improving Sleep

Sometimes life has other plans and a good night’s sleep is just not in the cards. Thankfully we have wonderful herbs that can help you fall asleep or stay asleep.

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