Our Top 4 Acupressure Points for Back Pain

Neck and back pain are some of the most frequent complaints I hear as an acupuncturist. Most often, the root cause is some combination of incorrect posture, chronic overuse/underuse, traumatic injury, or stress-induced tension. Thankfully, at this moment in time we are incredibly well-equipped to find ways to call in a more healthful balance, and the system of healing known as Traditional Chinese Medicine provides us with powerful tools for doing so. 

Rather than using fine needles to stimulate the body’s natural pain-relieving mechanisms as with acupuncture, acupressure utilizes the same points but stimulates them using the fingers or other tools that do not pierce the skin. Endorphins, the body’s natural pain relieving chemical, are released simply by holding with steady and firm pressure for a few minutes.  

Here’s a quick how-to: 

  • apply gradual, penetrating pressure on the point at a 90 degree angle from the surface of the skin for up to three minutes 
  • use your judgement on the level of pressure: as a general rule of thumb, the more developed your muscles are, the more pressure you can apply 
  • hold for a few minutes until you feel a regular pulse (this is blood circulation arriving) or until soreness decreases 
  • gradually release the pressure and finish with a gentle, soothing touch

Avoid: pressuring any bruised/broken skin and visible blood vessels, being overly forceful, during pregnancy (without special guidance). 

What about frequency? 

  • Chronic pain: try applying acupressure once or twice a day for a few weeks 
  • Acute pain: you may try to apply more frequently- a few times an hour, or as needed, for a few weeks.    

Remember: It’s not a pressure-tolerance contest. Listen to your body and if a point feels sore, reduce your pressure or desist altogether. For best results, practice acupressure regularly, everyday for several weeks. 

Ready to get started? Here are 4 points to acupressure for neck and back pain: 

1. Luo zhen is a special point for neck pain in the family system of acupuncture known as Master Tung. Locate proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joints of the index and middle finger, avoiding any visible blood vessels. Tip: pressure the point on the hand opposite the side most affected by neck pain, or pressure both sides. 

2. GB20, excellent point for neck pain, upper back pain and headaches. Locate at the base of the occiput, in the hollow area between the origins of trapezius and sternomastoid muscles. Tip: Find the most tender point in the hollow.

3. LU6 “Ashi”/ tender points- excellent points for mid-low back pain. Find the most tender points between LU5 and LU6 to pressure. LU6 is a little less than halfway between the elbow and the wrist crease along the LU channel (see picture). The channel runs from LU9 at the radial (thumb) side of the abductor tendon in the wrist to the radial side of the biceps tendon in the elbow crease. Tip: pressure the point on the arm opposite the side most affected by back pain, or pressure both sides. 

4. Linggu Dabai- point combination in the Master Tung system of acupuncture. Excellent for pain in the whole body, especially headaches and back pain. Location note: on the backside of the hand, along the border of the second metacarpal bone. Find Da Bai just proximal to your knuckle bone and Ling gu just before the meeting of the first and second metacarpal bone. Tip: pressure the most tender point of the two; utilize the point on the arm opposite the side most affected by back pain, or pressure both sides.

I hope you will feel empowered by how effective an acupressure practice can be as part of your self-care routine for pain-relief. 

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